Thursday, November 1, 2012

Roses and Love 1200px Template, Always free

Worked on this one for a long long time.. I just couldn't get it right... my sample layout that is.. very frustrating.  but loved the way it turned out, both the template and what I did with it. If you would like to copy your image and have it turn out the way mine did... it's really simple..
1.  click on the top frame, merge down, merge down again, . now you have the 3 "frames" on one layer, magic wand, select all three, copy your image, and paste into selection, remember the into selection part.. that's what will do it for you, If you already  know this, just ignor me...ok? LOL

Here is a preview of the template

Here is what I came up with... hope you like it and see how pretty the template is!
If you see the potential, please feel free to download the original template, 1200px by 1200px which of course can be downsized and printed using my instructions in the footer, left.
The link below
the link was wrong before, will fix it in a jif.. hugs Rainy

Download here

The templates come in both psd and pspimage,! Hope you like it and have an awesome day.. hugs Rainy,

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Thanks so much, hugs Rainy