Sunday, August 30, 2009

Autumn Template

This is the first time I have created templates so I am learning.. This is the third one and the only one I liked, I hope you do too.. The zip will have both a pspimage and a psd file.

Here's the preview in png format with no layers of course! You can click on the preview to get a good look at it! :)

I decided since I am so new at this, I better play with the template to see if it's workable or if there are any problems with it.. I'm happy to say this template was easy to play with, I hope you like what I did with it.. :) hugs Rainy

Note: When I was playing with it, I thought the wordart of "An Autumn Beauty" went better so I took out "An Autumn Day" :)

Below are the templates for both Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro!

Template for Photoshop

Template for Paint Shop Pro

Hugs Rainy

Ps. I am in the process of creating a tut for using a template. It will be ready pretty quick! :)